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+90 262 722 95 40



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Turbosan Pump

TURBOSAN Quality Policy...

To produce high quality pumps, pump equipment and pump systems by following the technological developments also renewing the raw materials and equipment that used in accordance with the recent conditions,

To produce high quality and reliable products that based on customer demands and in accordance with international product standards and regulations,

Continuous Improvement and Innovation
In order to realize our goals ; to conform with the existing quality management system by cooperate all our departments and training all employees with evaluating their views on improvement. To increase the trust of customers by perceiving customer demands correctly, generating solutions, fulfilling them on every stage and by constantly improving its effectiveness.

Customer Satisfaction
To carry out studies for the continuous improvement of customer satisfaction and to measure the results of these. Then to determine the cases open to improvement by making use of the results and to improve them continuously. To maximize satisfaction by producing products in accordance with the demands, economically and in the desired delivery time.
To continue our activities by virtue of international standards and relevant regulations.
It is Türbosan's policy to produce goods and supply services for the global market by developing reliable highly efficient and durable goods.

Best Regards